Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's Official

Here I am.....

and here are some pictures of our first Crawfish experience, what a blast, as you can tell we had a great time eating the inexpensive lobster, or at least that's what the guy at the roadside stand said. I was wondering, do they have a department of health in Louisiana, there is just sumpin about a roadside guy selling "mud bugs" out of his trailer that does not sit well with me. I am just saying!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you online! You'll find blogging, commenting, and Google Reader-ing highly addictive. Or maybe that's just me.

Sing4joy said...

you're so gross!

TulipGirl said...

Love the pic of your son eating the crawfish! I have fabulous and happy memories from childhood, sitting at the "kids table" with a friend, with a pile of crawfish which in my memory was taller than we were.